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Amazon Announces Lower Shipping Fees To Better Compete With Online Rivals

June 16, 2016: 12:00 AM EST
Online retailer Amazon.com Inc. announced lower fees it charges merchants that sell small, flat products that can fit in envelopes. Effective July 1, 2016, sellers would pay $1.61 to ship three, flat, 1-ounce packages, which is 67 percent lower than the existing fee. Covering merchants using the online retailer’s Fulfillment By Amazon Small and Light program, the move is seen as part of the online retailer’s efforts to better compete with marketplaces owned by rivals Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., EBay Inc., and Wish.com that link China-based sellers with shoppers in the US.
Spencer Soper, "Amazon Cuts Shipping Fees in Threat to Alibaba’s U.S. Business", Bloomberg Technology, June 16, 2016, © Bloomberg L.P.
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